Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Looking for Advice

This week is the last of the 4-week swim team session. I had it set in my mind a couple weeks ago that I was going to take a break from swim team and just swim on my own, instead of signing up for the next 4-week session.

But... I am having a hard time making this decision. Surprise, surprise.

Let me go over the pros and cons...

Pros to sticking with Swim Team:
  • workouts are laid out for me
  • workouts are different each day, working differen groups of muscles and techniques specific for triathletes
  • spending the money for swim team gets me to the pool - where if I didn't pay for swimming I would probably sleep in and skip most of my swims
  • the time is convenient - I don't need to get up as early as I would if I had to swim at the Y
  • the 2+ hours of swimming a week is definitely making me stronger

Cons to sticking with Swim Team:

  • The 2+ hours in the pool a week is so hard on my skin
  • It costs $40 for four weeks
  • Sometimes I feel like all the time spent in the pool is taking away from my other training. I would like to be able to swim one week day and then do a short swim followed by a bike on the weekend.

The next 4-week session starts up right away next week and then there will be 2-3 weeks off before the summer sessions start outdoors. If I don't join the next session, that's 7 weeks until the outdoor session starts.

As I look at my Pros and Cons list, I definitely see more Pros and I think some of the Pros and Cons cancel each other out. What are your thoughts? What would you do?

Asside from trying to figure out whether or not stick with Swim Team, I am struggling to find the right swim goggles for me. I have a pair of Speedo's something-or-another (can't remember specifics), but when I went to get a new pair they didn't have that style anymore. I picked up a pair of TYR Nest Pro Nano (pictured above), but got a bit annoyed when I tried wearing them for practice this morning. They were too close to my eyes as I felt my eyelashes brushing against them, and they felt like they were cutting into my eyelids. However, I kind of feel like spiderman wearing them. I am going to try them again, hoping I can get them to adjust a bit better, but I was wondering what goggles work best for you?


Marlene said...

I'm definitely not one to be dishing out advice on anything swim-related, but from what you have said, you have really benefited from sticking with the team. I'd be inclined to stick with it.

Marlene said...
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Pining for Pinterest said...

I would try the team. It sounds like it would be a good experience. I have no idea about goggles because I plan on learning to really swim this summer!!! I can only doggy paddle :(

Jess said...

Hmmm I'm not sure it's a tough call. If you like the structure of swim team I'd say go for it, but if you want to do something on your own for the next few weeks and then pick up again with the outdoor lessons that might work too.

Maybe it'd be good to give yourself a break from the structure to fit it in with your own schedule as you want.

I know I burn out on schedules kind of quickly, so mixing it up is always good for me.

Heather @ Side of Sneakers said...

As someone who would love to do something like that but doesn't have access to it, I'd be inclined to stay stick with it! BUT it does sound like a huge commitment. Maybe you could alternate 4 week sessions? You can probably remember some of the workouts/drills you learned and do them on your own for a while, then sign up again when the next session comes around.

Tri Mommy said...

Go for the swim team one more time and then re-evaluate. If you're not likely to swim without the team, you may need to stick with the team.

As for goggles, the ones that work the best for me are the Aqua Sphere Lady Kaiman's. I love them!

Anonymous said...

Goggles: I love my Aquashpere goggles.

As for the swimming...$40 is REALLY cheap for that kind of class. My tri team does a clinic, three times a week and it is $45. The masters program in my area is well over $200 for a month. You are making out HUGE, so I would stick with it for the purpose of structure. With that said...when is your first tri of the season? If your swimming is getting in the way of other training and you have a race soon, you might have to think about not attending. I think, personally, if it were me I would stick with it though. That is some serious bang for your buck!

Melissa said...

Your last part of the last con tells what you want to do, so do it. :)

Anonymous said...

I can't speak for myself, but if my wife could find a 4 weeks/40.00 deal in a swimming pool she would be all over it.

RunToTheFinish said...

I say go for the team...what's a little mola in the long run

J said...

I would say take some time off from swimming. You can always get back into it for the next session. I dont know when your next tri is but if its close it might be worth it to stay with the group to get those good workouts in. For 4 weeks of swim practices for 40 dollars, it really isnt a bad deal but 2 hours of swimming, at least for me, is a long time!

SavvyFitChica said...

I say go for it, write down all of the training swims you do so you can repeat them on your own later if you don't sign up for the class.

Also, try Gold Bond lotion. I love it. Or maybe post that question on your next blog on lotions people have found to work... You'll probably get some good feedback.


Wes said...

Yes! Aquasphere Kaymans are my current favs... As far as the Masters workouts go... Sounds to me like you really enjoy it, and for ten dollars a week...

Carly said...

I would probably sign up for the swim team. It would keep me motivated too!

As for the goggles, when you go to the store, take them out of the package (if you can) and stick the cups to your eye w/o putting the straps around your head. You're looking for them to pretty much stay on their own as an indication of good fit. I would try that with what they have in the store until you find something you like. Personally, I have a pair of Speedo goggles that I've had for quite some time, but I love them! Good luck!

Carly said...

I am bad with advice, but I would probably stick with it for that extra boost of motivation until summer. Just my 2 cents.

AM! said...

Stick with the team. it will keep you motivated and in the pool. - give you the structure and workouts.

that's my 2 cents;-)

Anonymous said...

I can never find the right pair of goggles, so I'd definitely be no help there.
As for the swim team, from you pro/con list it LOOKS like you want to keep doing swim team. However, if money is a problem, I'd say the main benefit of swim team is it motivates you to go and swim. If you didn't do swim team, you could find another way to motivate you to go.. some sort of reward or something.
As for your skin there must be an answer for this, right!? What does Phelps do! haha
Good luck with your decision! I'm sure you'll make the right choice no matter which you choose.

Anonymous said...

I would so do the swim team. But I may be biased because I would give more than $40 bucks just to have a swim team to join. (The closest triathlon type class for me is like an hour away)

And as far as goggles go -- no help here, I hate mine.

Tricia said...

stick with the team! :)

justme said...

i say stick with swim team, 40 bucks is cheap for what you are getting out of it.

i hcan't recall what googles ihave but any i have had always fog up on me and i hate it

Unknown said...

I'm kinda feeling what everyone else is saying... stick with the team. Maybe after 4 more weeks you can reevaluate things. :)

As for the goggles... I love Aquasphere Kaiman. I've gone through more goggles than I care to count and finally found a pair that don't make me cross eyed and don't leak. :)

Jess said...

I don't anything about swimming, so no advice from me!

Scarlett said...

I swam on a team in high school and so miss that structure.It's hard to think up your own swim practice three or four times a week! I wanted to sign up for a team at my local pool, but it was way too expensive. 40 every 4 weeks--that price is amazing!

Kelly said...

I think you are right that you have more pros than cons, but I think it's all about what you WANT to be spending time on. If you want to spend this much time on swimming then you should stick with it because the team is helping you do this but if you want to focus on other aspects of training just swim on your own but less often.

Beth said...

I have those exact same goggles! They work well for me, but they are not adjustable between the nose. I could see that if they don't fit right that they might not work as well. I like them because the seal is softer and I don't get raccoon eyes as bad as with other ones. I think it's all about finding ones that fit your particular face. Good luck!

Michelle said...

I would stick with it! You rock!

Aimee said...

I would stick with the swim team too. I've been looking into joining a master's group and $40/month is a great price!

I have the TYR Femme Ellipse goggles and really like them. They last a long time and they fit my face nicely.

Kristen said...

Ahh, I just had this problem and got a new pair of goggles that I LOVE!! Of course, it would be helpful if I could tell what they are, however, I will look them up when I get home.