Thursday, October 2, 2008

Off to a good start

October is off to a great start. I spent almost an hour lifting and working on the abs yesterday after work, and then almost an hour in the pool this morning. Cha-ching. Tomorrow I will be getting up early for a run; hopefully something longer than 3 miles.

As much as I love lifting, it can be soooo time consuming and I am looking into different forms of strength training. Kelsalynn has been doing a lot with CrossFit and I am quite intrigued. I will be looking to her for further information and such. It's sounds like she knows her shiznit!

Tomorrow the kiddo's don't have school, but us educators are taking part in our first Staff Development day for the school year. yeaaaahhh. Can you sense my excitement? Maybe it has a bit to do with the fact that I will be presenting information on RtI and helping my team inform our teachers about the changes we will be making at our school with interventions and such. yeeeaaahhh.

Today's Swim: 2000M, 51:00 (approx.), 2:33/100M

Today's Song: Pink - So What?

...Today's Breast Cancer Awareness information...

The most common risk factors:
  1. Sex. The highest risk factor for breast cancer is being female; the disease is about 100 times more common among women.
  2. Age. The risk of breast cancer increases as a woman grows older. The risk is especially high for women age 60 and older. Breast cancer is uncommon in women younger than age 35, although it does occur. There is some evidence to suggest young African American women are at greater risk for breast cancer than young Caucasian women.
  3. Personal History. Women who have had breast cancer and women with a history of breast disease (not cancer, but a condition that may predispose them to cancer) may develop it again.
  4. Family History. The risk of developing breast cancer increases for a woman whose mother, sister, daughter, or two or more close relatives have had the disease. It is important to know how old they were at the time they were diagnosed.
  5. The Breast Cancer Genes. Some individuals, both women and men, may be born with an "alteration" (or change) in one of two genes that are important for regulating breast cell growth. Individuals who inherit an alteration in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene are at an "inherited" higher risk for breast cancer. They also may pass this alteration on to their children. It is very rare. Scientists estimate that only about 5-10 percent of all breast cancers are due to genetic changes. One out of two women with these changes are likely to develop breast cancer. Women with a family history of breast cancer are encouraged to speak to a genetics counselor to determine the pros and cons of genetic testing.


IronGambit said...

cool song, "PINK" how fitting for your breast cancer theme this month ;)

Unknown said...

Those are some great workouts. Good job! Enjoy the longer run.

Unknown said...

can you do me a favor? can you change #1 "sex" to #1 "gender"

because when I see "sex?" on a form I think the answer should be never, occasionally, monthly, weekly, daily, etc. but that never seems to be the detail they are looking for.

LOL. Sorry, just trying to add some levity. I did have my smash and x-ray appt today (aka mammogram)

Anonymous said...

That's awesome that you are presenting information on RTI. If you have any details you can send via e-mail let me know, or send it to me at

Thanks and good luck!

Wes said...

LOL @ Lisa... Yea, I'd a died decades ago ;-)

You need some structure girlfriend. Find a plan, then commit!! You know you got it!!

Badgergirl said...

Nice job on the workouts. And I LOVE the new layout. :)

Ms Eva said...

Love the new blog look! I'm happy to see that October is off to a good start for you as well. I love CrossFit - I just don't do it often.... make that rarely. Knowing you are doing it too may help push me forward. :D

Marcy said...

LMAO at Lisa. I thought . .. you know, "sex sex" too at first glance.

Sounds like a great start ;-)

sunshine said...

Your blog looks great! And, thanks for the breast cancer awareness info -- you can never learn too much about such an important thing that, unfortunatley, touches way too many of us.

Sounds like you're kicking butt with your workouts -- keep it up!

Jess said...

Sounds like the month is definitely off to a great start for you! Nice job on the workouts!

Lily on the Road said...

Why is it Lisa, Marcy and I all thought the same thing, mmmm, coincidence, I think NOT!

Thanks for keeping October Breast Cancer awareness up front for us.

J~Mom said...

Thank you for your theme this month!! My mom had breast cancer and is a survivor so it is near and dear to my heart!

Scott McMurtrey said...

Remember me? :) Thanks for the breast cancer info. And thanks for using the word shiznit. It's one of my favorites.

SavvyFitChica said...

YAY!! I really do LOVE Crossfit. They're soooo hard and sooo challenging, but very addicting. I only did two this week and I think I'll do one tomorrow just because I like the rush from them.

My strength has really improved too!

Let me know if you see something on their website and you don't kno wwhat it is!

akshaye said...

Very fitting theme for the month.

I used to work with this guy who went on to set up a cross-fit based gym. Its good stuff.

Holly said...

Hope you had a good staff development day!

hepsmom said...

Fewer than 12 days and the house is yours?!? I'm glad you're meeting the fitness goals, but the house, WOW.

Aren't staff development days the best? How did your presentation go?

hepsmom said...

P.S. Thanks for the nice block switch up. I chose something slightly less meaningful.

hepsmom said...

Color me a goober. I actually meant "blog" not "block."

Mendy said...

First off - LOVE the new look. Girl you know how to blog, for sure. Looks great!

Next, I'm lifting these days too. Doing body for life again (did it many years ago and it toned me up very well). I love it, but you're right - it's time consuming. 3 workouts a week, 1 hr each. But, I'm really enjoying it.

Great workouts! Doing good!

Unknown said...

wow, what a workout!