Sunday, October 3, 2010

It was a good one!

... September, that is.

I can't believe the month has come and gone. It started with a bang - less than a week into school and I felt some sort of illness creeping up on me. I took a couple days off from the gym, slept a lot, drank a lot of hot lemon tea with honey, and did I mention that I slept a lot? In a matter of a few days, I was feeling fine and managed to keep the a full blown cold or whatever-it-was at bay.

I managed to fall into a routine with work, kept up with grad class, enjoyed my regular workouts - even though I wasn't training for anything in particular, and had time to enjoy my weekends: a weekend of camping over Labor Day weekend, a housewarming party with friends here in Fargo, a weekend back in the Bismarck/Mandan area, and a weekend in Brainerd, MN for a couple of friends wedding!

Let's look at the numbers.

Month in Review: September 2010

Swim - 2,000 yds .......... 6,200 yds in August
Bike - 126.81 miles ...... 95.05 miles in August
Run - 30.08 miles ......... 26.30 miles in August

Total Number of:
Swims - 1
Bikes - 8
Runs - 13 (including runs off the bike)
BodyPump Class - 5!
Pilates Class - 0
Yoga Class - 1!
REST Days - 10 (16 in August)

Highlights of the Month:

  • Busy weekends with the BF, family, and friends!
  • Working out regularly, but not having to follow a training plan!
  • Getting in some longer runs!
  • Getting to BodyPump Class weekly!
  • Enjoying a good yoga class! Hope to do it more in the future.

Lows of the Month:

  • Only swimming once - but, to be honest, I just wasn't feeling it much this month. Not until this last week. October may be different, tho.
  • Yeah, that's about it.

Goals for the Month of October:

  • Train smart.
  • Get used to weekly long runs - between 5 and 8 miles
  • Try to have more purpose behind my workouts - ie. speed work, long runs, short/long rides, strengthening, stretching, core, etc.
  • Try to run outside more, even with the weather getting cooler - this is something I am horrible with!
  • Stay healthy and get the flu shot!

Year-to-Date Stats:
Swim - 61,100 Yds
Bike - 886.66 miles
Run - 284.43 miles

What are your goals for October? Only 3 months of 2010 left - is there something you are hoping to accomplish before December 31st?

1 comment:

Stephanie Anne said...

I just found your blog & love it!

Love all the swim tips!

My big goal for October is to increase my strength training and work harder at improving my nutrition & losing some weight.

Thanks for having such an inspirational blog!