Thursday, October 1, 2009

Month in Review: September

I contemplated not even posting my stats for September, but then being the data freak I am, I knew that I couldn't miss a month when I have been doing it for almost 2 years. Let's just say I am not happy with September's stats, and it's not just because of my knee issues (even though that's a big part of it).

I rarely made it to the gym this month and I can blame the following things: longer than usual days at work, a bit of traveling, and lots and lots of additional paperwork being done at home. Plus, did I mention the fact that this knee issue has really done a doozy on my motiviation?

But, it's blame and it doesn't make it any different... let's look at the stats and move on.

September Stats:

Swim - 8,500M ................ 9,500M in August
Bike - 56.93 miles .......... 97.60 miles in August
Run - 10.45 miles .......... 20.20 miles in August

Sheez. I ran more in February when my first knee issues arrised. What the heck. Can you see how frustrated I am?

Moving on....


Badgergirl said...

Rough months are bound to happen every once in awhile. October will be better!

Ashley said...

Well, at least you are listening to your body and not overworking it.....the way I did...again. Yep, stress fracture number 2 right here. :\ Don't be so hard on yourself - your swimming was phenomenal!!! I need to get back in the pool!

Wes said...

Getting back into school has been a big dealio as well. Ups and downs chica... It's all good...